First of all, thank you for stopping by and for reaching out! I love interacting with my readers and work hard to answer every email and respond to every blog comment.
Now, is it about a specific blog post?
- If so, the fastest and easiest way to get my attention is by commenting on the post itself. And if it’s an answer to a question you’re after, you may just be helping out everyone else as well! (#teamworkmakesthedreamwork) I will respond directly to your comment with a comment of my own, so be sure to check back.
Are you in the travel industry and looking to work together?
- Hi! Nice to meet you – let’s put something awesome together! Start here on my Work With Me page.
Is it about a guest post, pre-written sponsored post, link insertion, or anything else of the sort?
- I don’t accept any of those on MWL and your email/comment/DM will be immediately deleted without response.
Is it regarding something else entirely?
- Fantastic! Feel free to email me at: [email protected], reach out on social media (Instagram is your best bet), or submit the form below.