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Which Is the Best Observation Deck in New York City? Comparing the Top 5
While searching for the best observation deck in New York City, one thing became clear. King Kong got a bad rap–all he wanted was a better view! It really is hard out here for a chimp. On my first trip to New York City many years ago I went to the top of the Empire…
Hi, I’m Ashley – Welcome to My Wanderlusty Life! I’m a WWII historian, Oktoberfest expert, and tour guide who’s visited 40 countries on 6 continents. I specialize in quick trips throughout Europe and the Americas and I’ve made it my mission to help you travel the world on a Time Budget.
Get ready for epic travel adventures, jam-packed itineraries, and expert advice for *real* travelers like you. I hope you like museums, hiking, beer and pretzels!
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Oktoberfest Central
For everything you could possibly want to know about Oktoberfest including: where to stay, what to wear, the best beer tents, and so much more. Get all my expert insight and personal pro tips here!
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